Monday, March 9, 2009

The Holy Spirit: Gift Giver

1 Corinthians 12:1-31

Look into any church, and you will find a few apathetic believers. Their faith may be real, but it is inactive. Some of these people have simply decided that they lack the right skills to live daily for Christ. But a believer’s limitations are no excuse for ignoring God’s call to personal ministry—human strength and talent are inadequate for serving the Lord. That is why the Holy Spirit gives each believer a spiritual gift at salvation.

Knowing exactly what a believer’s future holds, the Spirit can bestow on him or her the capacity to carry out God-given work. We can’t choose for ourselves what our gift will be; we are gifted in accordance with the calling placed on our life. The Lord also takes into account our inherent talents and personality so that our effectiveness is maximized.

Some Christians regard certain gifts as proof of genuine faith. For example, a number of churches view speaking in tongues as a prerequisite for serving the Lord. However, according to Scripture, the only “gift” common to all believers is the Holy Spirit Himself. Today’s passage shows that spiritual gifts are distributed among the body of Christ, with no single manifestation being given to every believer (vv. 29-30).

The Holy Spirit makes certain that we have the right tools to serve according to our calling. It is time to shake off any apathy or expectations of others that keep us glued to the pew. Start looking for a place to serve, whether in your church, community, or at work, and you will soon discover how the Holy Spirit has gifted you.