Tuesday, August 26, 2008

But God is Love


A life of sin is all too short
The comes the great surprise
When God receives the true report
But cannot close His eyes

“But God is love” so oft we cry
“His love is here to stay
It’s not God’s will for us to die
No matter what you say”

Yes God is Love, and longs to give
Eternal life to all
But only those in Christ; will live
Who heed Salvation’s call

We just can’t fool with God above
And think we won’t get burnt
For God is Fire as well as love
This lesson must be learned

In truth we come, but oft return
To where we were before
Although we’ve heard one day we’ll burn
Once God has closed the door..Gen.7: 16

Some think it lies, God’s not that cruel..Gen.7: 21
To make a place like hell..Rev.20: 14-15
But Satan’s out to cheat and fool..1Pe.5: 8
And all; means you as well

So take good care of how you live
Best learn the Lord to fear
Not every sin will God forgive..Mt.12: 31
The bible says quite clear..1Jn.5: 16

Yes God is love, yet God is not
A God to disobey
Remember well the wife of Lot..Gen.19: 26
The price she had to pay.