Wednesday, August 27, 2008

His Love is Always Near

His Love is Always Near

Now the earth is where we live today
and we must serve God here ,
For He watches us from way up there
and his love is always near,
And it doesn’t really matter
if we are here or there ,
For we are all a part of God
And God is everythere ,
And each time you do a kindness ,
God smiles and blesses you ,
For in serving those around us
We serve and please Him , too
Jan Bagwell
Love is patient and kind ; love is not jealous or boastful ; it is not arrogant or rude .Love does not insist on its own way ; it is not irritable or resentful ; it does not rejoice at wrong , but rejoices in the right .Love bears all things , believes all things , hopes all things, endures all things.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7