Monday, February 18, 2008

The cross Jesus Chose

The Cross Jesus Chose

Why on the cross did Jesus choose to die such a wicked death?
And why did He say, 'It is finished' as he breathed His final breath?

How was the temple curtain from the top to the bottom totally rent?
Was Christ the true Messiah whom the Prophets said would be sent?

God's righteous wrath on the cross was really meant for you and I,
But Christ took our punishment as His Father's anger was satisfied.

Not only on the cross did Christ die in the place of you and I,
But through His Blood on the cross, in God's eyes we are justified.

Christ cried, 'It is finished' as Salvation for all was now complete.
Returning to His Glory, at His Father's right hand, He took His Seat.

Yes that day was special, as after the curtain was rent it did fall,
Jesus Christ created total access to not only one nation, but to all.

The cross has been unequaled, as it was God's Grace that they saw,
For Christ was sent for all men, to be the fulfillment of the Law.

Yes, it was The Messiah on the cross, who suffered and truly died,
But the grave could not hold him, for in three days He rose Glorified.

God also gave us two examples that day and both were at his side,
One chose to believe in Jesus while the other just mocked and died.

You can choose to simply die my friend, but you'll suffer forevermore,
Or believe like the thief my friend and live eternally with The Lord.