Thursday, February 7, 2008

He's More Than Just a God to me

He's More Than Just a God To Me

Christ is more than just a God to me; He's my Savior and my friend,
He formed me in my mother's womb, and is my Hope as I near the end.

He governs the entire universe but walks beside me every single day,
And He's never too busy day or night to stop and listen when I pray.

As my Savior He became a bloody sacrifice and died on a cross for me,
So The Father could forgive all my sins and adopt me and set me free.

It was with His own blood that He bought me out of the market of sin,
Then He gave me The Holy Spirit as a guide and a new life to begin.

Now The Holy Spirit teaches me to live as a new creature in Christ,
And He helps me to crucify my old life to become a living sacrifice.

He gave me a hunger for Righteousness as I live to please The Lord,
For The Spirit taught me that His Holiness simply can not be ignored.

He took away my timid spirit and filled me with His spirit of power,
Now He helps me to boldly witness instead of shrinking back to cower.

He filled me with His love and compassion as I seek to win the lost,
So I can teach them Biblical Truth, while pointing them to The Cross.

He filled me with His Light to draw others so I can share The Word,
And sharing Christ is my compassion until all around me have heard.

It is only through The Cross of Jesus that one can have a new start,
Before you stand before my Savior, let Him also change your heart.