Friday, August 15, 2008

I Am Thankful !

I am thankful to be an American . It is a God –given priviledge to dwell in a land where every citizen is free to worship God according to the dictates of his conscience ; where everyone can vote his own political convictions at the polls ; where there is freedom of speech , and freedom of the press ; where there is the free enterprise system, under which every person can own property , and is not compelled to yield it to a Communist state . Yes I am grateful to live are created equal , and that every citizen is guaranteed “ justice under the law “.

I am thankful for our glorious flag . When I behold the stars and stripes , always a tingle of joy and pride courses through my spinal column ,in the knowledge that , “This is my flag “, and I am overwhelmed with gratitude to Almighty God that as long as this flag ripples in the breezes , all the freedoms which we cherish shall be preserved . This flag represents the spilt blood of my fathers who with the spirit of thanksgiving ,and with the holy resolve that its enemies shall never haul it down from its lofty ramparts .

I am thankful for the Bible , the Book upon which our nation was founded . It is evident to all who know history that America would never have known freedom except for the influence of the Word of God .Today , we would not have one vestige of freedom founding fathers . Today , if we were to turn away from the Bible , our country would be another Godless state . Thank God for the Bible ! The atheists have bombarded it, the agnostics have ridiculed it , the infildels have blasted it , the skeptics have sought to destroy it , the Roman hierarchy denied it to their people , the Modernist preachers have tried to scuttle it --- in fact , all the agencies of Satan have hammered away at it . But it still stands as the imperishable , indestructible Word of the Eternal God . It still changes lives , transforms homes , elevates communities ,blesses
Nations . Thank God for the Bible !

I am thankful for the church of the living God . I speak in the true Scriptural sense ; that assembly of born again , called out ones who have been changed by the power of Christ , and who have been made members of the family of God . In spite of false pretenders ,misguided religionists who misinterpret the truth , and willful apostates who seek to deceive the people by advocating the social gospel , and by denying the faith , the church goes on , conquering and to conquer ; and as our Lord promised : “The gates of hell shall not prevail against it”

Jan Bagwell