Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Garden of Eden

When Universe showed its face, No plants grew, not even a trace; Seeds did not sprout for lack of rain; Barren was the land without grain.Water came beneath the surface, That became the only source.Some soil from the groundThe Lord took in His hand! The first man came out of it, To breathe and live, he became fit! See how the Lord's mercy goes! What all man wants, God knows.God made a garden in Eden, In the East and placed in this man.All trees He made, well and good, To give man fruits as food.In the middle of the garden, There stood life-giving tree one, Besides another tree that offeredKnowledge, both good and bad! A stream flowed in Eden.It watered the holy garden.Beyond the limits of this Eden, As four rivers, it began to run.Around Havillah went River Pishon.Around Cush flowed River Gihon.Around Assyria ran Tigris River, And the fourth was Euphrates River.God placed the man then, In the Garden of EdenAnd said, 'Oh man, you're freeTo eat the fruit of any tree.''But you SHALL NOT eatFrom the tree that gives fruitOf knowledge, good and bad, Your instant death to avoid.'The Lord saw then, It's no good for man, Who needed a companion, On earth to live alone.”God created birds and animals, Taking from ground some soil; To the man, He brought them, And asked him to name them.The man named everyone: Birds and animals, one by one, But there was not a single one, To serve him as a companion! The Lord found a way out! Into deep sleep, the man was put, God took a rib from the man, And then executed His plan.He formed a beautiful woman, Out of the man’s rib taken; And gave a female companionTo be with this solitary man.So man said, 'At last, here is one, Of my own kind, bone of my bone, Flesh of my flesh, a woman, Who's taken out of (me) man.'Thus, it happens in any man's lifeThat he be united with his wife, Leaving his father and mother, To become one Soul forever.