Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lessons My Mother Taught Me

Lessons My Mother Taught Me
2 Timothy 3:14-15

In 1865 William Ross Walker penned the immortal words, "The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world." Years later in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation recognizing Mother's Day for the first time. Since then, every president has done the same. This underscores how highly we value and love the mothers of this land. Such honor is appropriate because a mother's love and influence is priceless.

In my own case, that certainly was true. Several principles my mother demonstrated impacted me so deeply that they became an integral part of my life and have stayed with me all these years. First and foremost among these principles was her deep love for the Word of God. My mother's Bible was so torn and ragged that it fascinated me. I wanted to read it in order to find out what she found so attractive about that tattered volume.

Her diligent prayer life was equally impressive.Hearing her call my name to the Father and talk about the things that were troubling me provided an awesome encouragement and hedge of protection for a young lad.

There were many other godly principles that I observed in my mother. Her Christian character was like a great anchor in our family. Over the centuries, such women of steadfast Christian character have influenced countless children to become godly adults. Truly, the impact of a believing mother is immeasurable.