Sunday, May 4, 2008

How to Love your Mother

How To Love Your Mother

John 19:25-27

How precious is the mother’s reward of seeing her children grow to be godly men or women, honoring God with their time, talent, and treasure. Is there any better evidence of a godly mother’s love and sacrifice?

It becomes so easy in America to use Mother’s Day as a quick remedy to attempt to salve all the shortcomings in the mother-child relationship. But it takes more than cards, calls, and flowers to properly love a mother.

When is the last time you hugged your mother? When is the last time you planted a kiss on her soft cheek and told her, sincerely told her, that you love her? There are many ways to express love and gratitude to a mother, but there is no better way to reward a godly mother than to grow to become the follower of Christ she long envisioned.

Mothers sometimes are not only the sole source of all cooking and home maintenance in a child’s life, but many also serve as breadwinners. Sometimes mothers are the only reason some children ever see the inside of a church.

It is wonderful to set aside a day especially for remembering our mothers, but it pleases the Lord when we show them constant love. One of the last things Christ did before His death was make sure His mother was well cared for by the apostle John. Is there any more touching evidence of what a mother should mean?