Tuesday, August 14, 2007

He locked Door

He Locked Door

In order to build interest in his traveling show, the great
escape artist Houdini would frequently arrive in a town early
and challenge the local jailer to try to keep him locked in a
cell. If he couldn’t escape within an hour, he would offer the
jailer a $1,000 reward.

In one town, he made the challenge and was dutifully ushered
into a jail cell. As soon as the door clanged shut behind him,
he began trying to find a way out. As the minutes slipped by,
he soon found that this escape was going to be tougher than he
had expected. He tried every trick, but he couldn’t find a way
out. At the end of the time, the jailers found him sitting in
the middle of the cell sobbing in frustration. He had failed.

The biggest surprise came when the jailer returned and
discovered that he had forgotten to lock the door. Houdini
could have walked out any time he wanted by just pushing the
door open. The irony was that his escape route was one that he
had never considered—an unlocked door!

So many times we have the door locked in our minds long before
it swung shut behind us.

How many times have we failed because we didn’t consider the
unexpected answer to our problems?