Saturday, August 18, 2007

With God all things are possible

With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." Matthew


The Lord Jesus said, "Moreover if thy brother trespass against thee, go and
tell him his fault" (Matthew 18:15). You say, "He's the one that did wrong.
If he wants forgiveness, let him come and ask for it." But Jesus said, "No,
you go to him." Whether you are in the right or whether you are in the
wrong, as a child of God, you are to go to that individual. Isn't that what
God did in the Garden of Eden? Adam and Eve sinned against God, and the
Bible tells us that God came looking for them. "Adam, where art thou?" That
was not the voice of a detective. That was the voice of a God Who pursues us
to forgive us.

Stop right now and ask God to show you if you have an unforgiving spirit
toward someone. Then, in His power and strength, call that person and ask
his or her forgiveness. It's going to be impossible in your strength, but
remember, God does the impossible