Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Time

Christmas Time

Its christmas time again, century by
century, years by years we all
celebrating this wonderful season.

Jesus the son of God born of the
Virgin Mary bringing us joy, peace
to be unite to the father above,
from his birth 'till his death on the cross
given us freedom. God swallow his pride
to redeem us from sins, how great love
the father in heaven to do this to all

The children everywhere around the world
are excited expecting gifts to their love ones,
happy to receive one.

Love is the spirit of christmas that we need
to celebrate everyday. The time to spend
to our love ones, relatives, friends who are
dear to us, Its christmas.

The food in the table in all different kinds,
gifts that we give and receive, christmas tree
and lights everywhere.

The laughters, the smile, the different
expression we can see to their faces,
the beauty of happiness.

' Happiness and joy at this special season
everywhere all over the world '.

To the poor, to the middle class, to the
rich people christmas is fare to celebrate,
the beauty within this season is a great
gift to everyone of us. Embrace this
season with laughters, lets us celebrate
Christmas in our heart.

' Merry Christmas and a Happy New year
around the whole world '.