Sunday, October 14, 2007

My God ,My Lord and My King

My God, My Lord and My King

O’ God, I know you mad at me?
Because of the sin did I commit?
My selfish deeds caused my iniquity.
Everytime, to you, I do not submit?

Against me, came pain and calamity.
Because against God, I had sinned.
Please, Lord forgive my iniquity.
Unto me, Thy mercies commend.

Willingly, before thee, I kneel and pray,
Of all these, my many sins, I do repent.
Lord; please take not thy Spirit away.
I will follow only the Christ, you sent.

Accept the praises that I will give,
Joyously, I will proclaim your Name.
All my sins, You did forgive.
My life is no longer the same.

There is one thing for sure I know.
Your praises, I will forever sing.
No matter how good or bad things might go.
You always are my God, my Lord, and my King.