Thursday, October 18, 2007

My Brother and me

Larry and I

As I walk along this road of life
Passing thousands along the way
In my journey many come and go
But only a few sprout roots to stay

The door to my heart is always open
And it has plenty of room to grow
Many have viewed my heart unfit
But he was there from the first hello

If I made a list of those I know
Who’ve left their brand on my soul
His name would be there at the top
Of the one’s who’ve made life whole

His heart is big and filled with love
Mine’s big and full of laughter
Together we make the perfect team
And we’ll be friends forever after

So few will offer an unconditional bond
And accept the good with the bad
But he’s always there to share a laugh
Or pick me up when I am sad

We’re two hearts that met along life’s path
Where one has marked the other
Few have found such a place
He’s a friend…a dad…a brother

His heart and soul, I love and cherish
The bond we formed will never end
For in this man I found true friendship
And affection that’s not pretend

This special man, my unlikely friend
He’s earned his place in my soul
With kind regard, and loving care
His virtues are to be extolled

This verse was penned with thoughts of him
For he’ll stay in my heart forever
And I dedicate these humble words
With a love that can’t be severed

Larry Bagwell my brother
You are a true and special friend,
I have nothing but love for you.

Jan bagwell { My brother went to be with Jesus Oct 13 , 2007 ]