Sunday, September 2, 2007

Dignity and Grace

Dignity and Grace
In our lives we all have problems to hand
should we just bury our heads in the sand.
Will the problems then disappear over night
if we close our eyes do they go out of sight.
Should we cope alone inside the dark hole
living in the darkness just like the blind mole.
When we are feeling low think of the advice
we give to others remembering it has a price.
No ones lives run just as they would choose
to bury our heads friends we could lose.
Tomorrow is another day use it to repair
the problems you can change if you dare.
Problems are the creation of our actions
with others we can share our reflections.
To bury you're head in the sands of time
alone and feeling lost I do think is a crime.
Many problems have I not maybe drastic
I will bounce back as on a piece of elastic.
I could just run away from it all now today
and hope that they will all disappear away.
But I will stand strong and try to embrace
my problems for I have dignity and grace.

Jan Bagwell 9/7/07 God is Grace