Thursday, August 23, 2007

Let God's Truth let you see ,and be free

Let God's Truth Let You See And Be Free.

Do not rest thy laurels on a sped up pace...
Become thyself better then join the human race.
Do not fall fro' God's loving grace...
Do not adhere your life to a way too long liv'ed of total coveraged disgrace.
Mask not thy own known identity...
Call on and summon innermost's own indemnity.
Relinquish all hope's dissappointment...
Partake of God's love in your own life run of booked appointment.
Then happly of heart will you be...
For then your eyes will be opened only so that by God you'll be able at last to see.
Truth is what God does be...
That truth will set you entirely free.
Jan Bagwell