Sunday, August 19, 2007

God,s with you : Are you with God ?

God’s With You; Are You With God?
God made man from dust of earth; To dust, we’ll surely return; God made man with soul and so, Man seeks God and divine mirth! No servant becomes Master; No creature, Creator; Yet, man was made in God’s image; God’s love, no one can gauge.Man is just a speck of dust And lives in sin, pride and lust; Yet, God loves man so deeply, And forgives him so neatly.Man lives on earth by grace of God; His days are pre-destined by Lord; All things just happen by God’s nod; But our sins could get His rod! Man strives to seek the unseen God; But God is always within him; Estranged from God is man in sin, And life on earth turns rather grim! Why waste your precious time in sin? Why gather wealth meant for the bin; Why spoil your health with drugs and gin? Is your soul befitting Heaven? Confess your sins to God, man.Repent; increase your life-span; Do more good and tilt the pan in your favor, when you can.God’s with you.
Are you with God?
Fondly dedicated to my sons, David and Scott Bagwell