Monday, June 22, 2020

The Cross will Cost

The Cross will Cost

Certain company we keep
Comes at cost we could find steep
Hanging round with Jesus Christ
Will never come without a price

Serving Christ means we refrain
From sinful, selfish, greedy gain
Striving for the foremost seat
Is where the proud of heart compete

When accused for wrongs not done
Or ridiculed for battles won
Do not let your anger rise
Your Christian witness compromise

Seems like those who do what's right
Will seldom stand beneath spotlight
Those who reckless aim to be
Are gaining popularity

Looks like the equality
We're told to welcome readily
Does not always tolerate
The values Christians propagate

Maybe you're unseen, unheard
Or seldom get the final word
Don't forget the cross will cost
The difference leaves you saved or lost