Sunday, June 14, 2020

Coronavirus, in the Midst of Uncertainty

Coronavirus, in the Midst of Uncertainty

The new word, Coronavirus,
has become a feared and hated name.
Will things ever return to normal?
And will life ever be the same?

It seems nothing is the way it used to be.
That's a fact we all have to face.
This world we have always called home
has suddenly become a frightening place.

I am glad the doctors and scientists
are all racing to find the cure.
And in the midst of all this uncertainty,
there is one thing I know for sure.

The Lord above has allowed this to happen.
It's not intended for me to know why.
But God doesn't want me to fret and worry
concerning who is to live or to die.

The Father desires that I should trust Him
with all my heart, mind and soul.
His watchful eyes see all that's happening.
He is always the One in control.

So we must gather all our faith and trust,
while in this scary time, it's hard to do.
Take comfort in what we know is true…
that God loves me and He also loves you.

Don't worry if the dark days get darker.
For we will one day again see the sun.
The Father can help us take this demon down.
And we will all finally say we have won.