Thursday, July 2, 2020



There was a time when I believed
that all the blessings I received
were treasures I myself had earned,
but through the years I slowly learned.

Regardless how I pushed and strained,
security was never gained,
and I began to comprehend
there’s one in whom I must depend.

I played the odds and placed a bet,
but earnings came and left me debt.
I’m still determined to embark,
but yet again I miss the mark.

I recognized I’ll never win
and break these chains of wretched sin.
My righteousness is mere pretend;
there’s one in whom I must depend.

Through all the earthly pain and strife,
I know in whom I’ll trust my life.
I need the grace His love provides
and all the ways His Spirit guides,

So I will sink beneath the waves
because I know that Jesus saves
for He will cast my sins away
on this, my In Dependence Day.