Friday, July 10, 2020

If today was my last day

If today was my last day and tomorrow found me gone
How would life be different, if that unknown somehow was known
Would I be a better person, would I live a better life
How much would I feed resentment, envy, bitterness and strife?
How would I choose to live, and what would be my emphasis
Being a blessing or a burden, full of service or selfishness?
Where would God be in my life, what place would He occupy,
If today was my last day, and before tomorrow I would die.
If today was my last day, and second chances all were through
And I stood before my judge and my eternal fate I knew
I would mourn and fall before Him, if I had not done what’s right
If I had chosen self and sin, if I had chosen eternal night.
But there’s no reason for apprehension, I can die w/head held high
If I die to self & live to Him, it won’t matter when I die.