Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Waiting for You

Waiting for You

Lord, how should I plan to meet you?
How do I welcome You right?
With my heart, I long to see You-
My hope and my soul’s delight.

Please awake me Holy Lord;
Keep Your Light within my breast
To do in my spirit humbly
Everything that pleases You best!

My soul will put off its sadness;
Your glory I will then proclaim;
With all of Your strength and gladness,
I will gladly serve Your name.

In my deepest degradation;
Devoid of all joy and all peace;
Then You, as my soul’s salvation;
Come to me to bring Your release.

I cried in deep dark groanings;
You arrived to set me free.
I kneel with my shame bemoaning;
Coming only to honor Thee.

Your glory You have given me;
A treasure that is safe on high
That will not leave or fail me,
As my earthly riches die.

Your love caused Your crucifixion;
God’s love brought You back to me.
You died for my salvation
While procuring my liberty.

Your saving love beyond telling
Led me to Your caring embrace.
In You is love most excelling;
The only salve for our lost race.

Rejoice all you sad-hearted-
The ones sitting in their gloom;
While mourning over joys departed
Now can proclaim freedom from doom.

Lord, how should I plan to meet you?
How do I welcome You right?
With my heart, I long to see You-
My hope and my soul’s delight.

Please awake me Holy Lord;
Keep Your Light within my breast
To do in my spirit humbly
Everything that pleases You best!

My soul will put off its sadness;
Your glory I will then proclaim;
With all of Your strength and gladness,
I will gladly serve Your name.

In my deepest degradation;
Devoid of all joy and all peace;
Then You, as my soul’s salvation;
Come to me to bring Your release.

I cried in deep dark groanings;
You arrived to set me free.
I kneel with my shame bemoaning;
Coming only to honor Thee.

Your glory You have given me;
A treasure that is safe on high
That will not leave or fail me,
As my earthly riches die.

Your love caused Your crucifixion;
God’s love brought You back to me.
You died for my salvation
While procuring my liberty.

Your saving love beyond telling
Led me to Your caring embrace.
In You is love most excelling;
The only salve for our lost race.

Rejoice all you sad-hearted-
The ones sitting in their gloom;
While mourning over joys departed
Now can proclaim freedom from doom.