Monday, February 10, 2020

Indeed, He Hears

Indeed, He Hears

My prayer is that I'll not grow weary of praying for those on my list,
That I will lift them up daily, making sure that not even one is missed.
For at times it appears my prayers are in vain, but I know it's not true,
Thing is Lord, You are working in areas that could be only known to You.

Lord I'm sure there have been many believer's prayers that You've heard,
Who became discouraged when what they'd expected never occurred.
Yet Lord, some of those prayers from back then, are answered today,
Through time, You moved mountains that were standing in the way.

When on earth, Jesus prayed, setting an example for all mankind,
That as we go to The Father, there's complete trust in Him we'll find.
He knows our needs as He knows our hearts and all that is stored there,
Therefore we should be mindful of this as we go to Him in prayer.

Today, every time I pray, I believe that God will answer them all,
It'll be as He sees best, with perfect timing, when He hears my call.
For I know that He's never made a mistake and I know He never will,
Then since His Son became my Savior, my cup He's continued to fill.