Friday, February 21, 2020

Glory Awaits Us

Glory Awaits Us

The trials are many, and enemies are great,
But glory awaits us, just beyond the gate.
Eternal life, its free and can’t be earned,
But other things to work for are discerned.

The scripture speaks, and saints have often heard,
Of those who honor God in deed and word,
Commended greatly for the race they’ve run,
Crowned at last and blessed with a “well done.”

Those who are saved but selfish, shall survive,
To heavens joys, by grace they shall arrive,
But their life on earth, it’s deemed a waste,
The things they loved and lived for are erased.

If in our generation we are wise,
To faithfulness and fruit, we shall arise,
All our time and talent to invest,
That our life and work may pass the test.

A chance to serve this earthly life affords,
A faithful life our gracious God rewards.
To serve him and walk faithfully each day,
Leads to blessedness along the way.