Friday, November 22, 2019

Through the storms of life

Through the storms of life

The clouds had darkened, blackening the sky
and the waves roared as they rose up high
cascading down over their little boat;
as they bailed out water to stay afloat.

But in that boat upon the sea with them
was the One who was born in Bethlehem
and He whom Wise Men had come to see
Stood up, in awesome Power and Majesty.

“Peace, be still.” His powerful words spoken
and the fury of the storm was broken
as upon that once windswept, raging sea
the boat now floated calm and peacefully.

“What manner of man is this they cried,
that at his word the winds and waves subside?”
‘Twas Christ, the Lord of wind and wave and sea
shielding them from the storms ferocity!

Storms in our lives can suddenly appear.
Their great turbulence causes us to fear.
It’s wonderful to have Jesus in the boat
guiding the way and keeping us afloat.