Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Wonders Of Heaven

The Wonders Of Heaven

The Bible tells us that heaven
Is the place where believers will go
When their life's work has ended
And they leave this world below.

Heaven has walls made of jasper,
Gates of pearl and streets of gold.
We can read of the wonders of heaven,
But the half has never been told.

There'll be no darkness in heaven,
For in Heaven there'll be no night.
Lamps or candles will not be needed,
For Christ Jesus is the shining Light.

There'll be no sickness or pain there,
And all our tears will be wiped away.
Our ears and eyes will be perfect,
And there will be no tooth decay,

Of all the many wonders of Heaven,
The greatest wonder I long to see
Is the face of Jesus, my dear Savior
Who shed His precious blood for me.