Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Human Heart

The Human Heart

Good friends are like teddy bears
Don't always see them, but they are there
One of these pass along emails
Generically expressing to care.

Well I am one who touches
And so my God would send
He is the Spirit surrounding me
Bringing the solidness of a friend.

Pass this along and pray for me
Oh you can bet I surely will
But to lose the personal touch
It's just not right, even still.

Texting and emails flood my phone
Might guard a heart I am sure
But the emotional part of loving
Will certainly not occur.

There is a reason for the tenderness
And warmth in a soothing voice
I will call you every time
If you give to me a choice.

I will tell you every day
Especially if you are my friend
Take a second and think of me
Then feel the love I send.

Texting and emails flood my phone
We evolved to a technical low
What happened to the hug, the kiss?
Where did the human heart go?

One can terminate a friendship
And never see that tear
Whether I am ready or not
This cold communication is here.

Another precious teddy bear
With little dancing hearts all around
Yet, I miss the real person
Feel the absence of the sound.

But far, far more the loss
No matter what I am seeing
Replaced by the tapping keyboard
No touch of the human being.

Good friends are like teddy bears
But one thing I must know
Where is the warm embrace?
And why did it have to go?

Still, I smile when it comes
Then tap, tap, tap away
Pass it on to my friend
Give in to technology of today.

Then I hear this ringing sound
And a voice that I adore
Grandma, I can't wait to see you
Well, who could ask for more?

It seems the children get it
Even their texting won't curtail
When I hear her sweet, sweet voice
I know; the human heart will prevail.
Ecclesiastes 4:9
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work.
If one falls down his friend can pick him up."