Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Open me up! I can speak for myself.

Open me up! I can speak for myself.

Look not for hidden codes or formulae
for I have more important things to say,
I speak of One: the Creator of all things
and prophecy what the future brings.

Declare God's great love and salvation plan:
freely offered to all the nations of man.
I speak of Jesus Christ the Crucified
rising from the dead after He had died.

Proclaim Hell subdued and sins forgiven,
eternal life and a mansion in heaven.
Tell you that you are loved and not alone
and that God will not leave you on your own.

Don't look for codes, or leave me on the shelf
Open me up! I can speak for myself.
This is by far the best thing that you can do
for as you read me then I will speak to you.