Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Soldiers' Prayer Meeting

The Soldiers' Prayer Meeting
During the Civil War, some soldiers
Met in one of the tents to pray.
They knew that they would fight
A terrible battle the very next day.
Each one committed himself to God
And to whatever fate He had willed.
They knew that in this next battle,
Any or all of them could be killed.
They decided to write up a paper
Expressing feelings of facing death.
Each soldier would sign this paper.
Soon some may take their last breath.
One copied the words to a Godly hymn.
It was, "My Faith Looks Up To Thee."
Each soldier then signed his own name,
A testimony to leave behind, you see.
They did not all meet again on earth,
For some gave their lives that day.
The survivors told the dead men's kin
About the night that they met to pray.
One man kept this special signed copy
Of the hymn "My Faith Looks Up To Thee."
He made a vow to preserve this copy
For each surviving relative to see.