Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Beyond The Manger

Beyond The Manger

As you step into the stable and look
down in the manger what do you see,
A baby Who is called Jesus or a life
line that was born for all humanity.
Then indeed it is the baby Jesus who
came to earth on Christmas day,
Yet if this is all you see, you miss
the reason for His earthly stay.

Many people see the babe and miss the
cross, leaving Jesus in the stable,
Ignoring the fact that He died to be
our Savior, treating it as a fable.
Thinking they'll make heaven on their
own for their lives are mostly clean,
Unlike some church goers in their past
of which they have heard and seen.

To this group of people Christmas is
simply a holiday, that's about all,
The busiest time of the year, spending
countless hours down at the mall.
Later, full of spirits, not holy, they
may exchange gifts with some friends,
Then til this time next year, anything
they have do do with Christmas, ends.

The baby they see, died for their sins,
to save them from the jaws of hell,
Until this truth is accepted, the non-
believers remain in Satan's spell.
So look beyond the cradle to the cross
and trust Jesus for a new start,
Then next year as you look at the baby,
there's a special love in your heart.