Monday, July 22, 2019



It's not easy as we live our lives on earth from day to day
To face all life's temptations that come along our way
But we surely have a promise and it’s written in God’s word
That he will always be there and you can rest assured
He watches ore his children with tender loving care
And there is not one moment that he is never there
Do not fear for I am with you from right now until the end
Just know that I’m your savior I am a faithful friend
Don’t ever think that I have chosen just to walk away
And leave you in your time of need for that is not my way
I see I care I understand just what your going through
You may not see right now but child but I truely do love you
So lean on me and do not fret stay strong and just believe
I’ll soon be coming back my child and take you home with me
But until that day when I shall call you home safe by my side
Lift up your head rejoice my friend redemption draweth nigh