Friday, June 14, 2019

The True Voice

The True Voice

His Voice rang out through cosmos wide
He spoke and time began
His speech created earth and sky
And stars like grains of sand
All seas and valleys, fish and birds
Were animated by His words

He later talked with men of old
And led them by the hand
He warned through many prophets bold
Of straying from his commands
He sought to guide and to impart 
To people after his own heart

The Voice stepped down onto our globe 
He stooped down willingly
Became a servant, bringing hope
And power to set us free
He spoke of sin and consequence
But uttered naught in self defense

And so the Voice was sent to die
To hang upon a tree
He bore the brunt of all our sins
And suffered lovingly
He gave his life, his arms stretched out
His death on Calvary was His shout

That said to us "I love you so"
The cross can leave no doubt 
Three days dragged by in silence, though
Then victory's cry rang out
Restored to life -- the one true Voice
Let all of heaven and earth rejoice

His voice is oft heard low and soft
In timbre small and hushed
Unless we're still it can be lost
In lives bustling and rushed
But if we stop and tune our ear
The Shepherd's voice will still ring clear