Tuesday, May 21, 2019

If Not For the Silence

If Not For the Silence

If not for the silence I could not rejoice, 
So much in the solace of hearing his voice. 
If not for the pain that befalls in this land, 
I could not fully know his comforting hand. 

If not for the depth of sorrow profound, 
Hope could not rise; it could hardly abound. 
If not for the aching losses and strife, 
Never would Jesus have been my whole life. 

If not for bereavement my heart would not long; 
My desire for heaven would not be so strong. 
If not for the failure, success would become,
A god on its own, as it has done with some. 

If not for the doubt that has oft plagued my mind, 
My faith would be shallow; it would have declined. 
If not for addiction (that bondage so cruel) 
I would not value liberty under his rule. 

God has been working, sometimes in the dark. 
The flint stone of hardship has given the spark. 
The spark may become a bright towering flame. 
A faith that is tested shall not be ashamed.
Luke 10: 38-42