Wednesday, April 24, 2019

God of The Empty Tomb

God of The Empty Tomb

In moments of life's emptiness,
Discouragement, and dismal gloom,
My spirit rises up to thank
The God of the Empty Tomb!

When darkness was at its deepest
As Jesus hung on Calvary tree,
He obeyed His Father's Great Will
�He willingly died for me.

The Power men had neglected
Revealed His Holy Presence clear�
In darkness, the earth heaved and shook,
As scoffers ran off in fear.

Yet, the Light of this bleeding Christ
Beamed across Death's dismal world�
The Sacrificial Lamb lived again
As Eternal Life unfurled!

Jesus endured suff'ring and death
�His Divine Mission completed.
How precious that through years of time,
His Redemption is repeated.

His Love out-lasts all other loves!
His Holy Light dispels Death's gloom!
He is now�and ever shall be
Lord God of the Empty Tomb!