Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Ministry

The Ministry

I felt the call of God so strong 
I desired to do His will 
I prepared for ministry so long 
His purpose to fulfill

I labored in the sacred cause 
I made the sacrifice 
I preached the gospel without pause 
I tried to pay the price 

I continued on for many years
To tell the world of grace 
Through many turmoils, trials, and tears 
I tried to keep the pace. 

There were failures along the way 
Sometimes I failed to trust 
At other times I went astray 
Some sermons were a bust

Opportunities slipped away 
Circumstances were such 
That very soon there was a day 
I didn’t preach that much

As time went on the ministry 
I felt God called me to
Was exercised less frequently 
Then vanished from my view

For months I wondered aimlessly 
But then one day I heard
About a special ministry 
Taught often in the Word 

A ministry done on one’s knees 
Before the throne of grace
Kneeling there to intercede
To plead another’s case 

Though no longer as a preacher 
I still seek to do His will 
With the Bible as my teacher
His purpose to fulfill 

I now come to God beseeching 
To rescue from the snare 
What I could not do by preaching 
I will now attempt by prayer