Monday, January 21, 2019

Do Not Touch

Do Not Touch

Life is about do's and don'ts
And oh how I wish I had
Then tears fall hopelessly
Makes a heart heavy and sad.

We worry then fret the future
But God planned the now
Even the worst of sinners
Will fall before Him and bow.

Do not touch the worry
For one thing that is certain
God has written every line
Of the story behind the curtain.

Gentle laughter fills the air
Where sorrow cannot be found
Inexplicable joy will come
Embracing without a sound.

A lake of endless wonder
Our tears have set the stage
Your story pours from His heart
People gather of every age.

Do not touch the worry
Before you loved ones stand
God the Father invited them
See the ticket in their hand?

The curtain begins to open
Then every eye you meet
Stunned by the knowledge
That God had saved their seat.

Now the standing ovation
He loves us oh so much
His words speaking tenderly
The worry, "Do Not Touch."