Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Peace on Earth

Peace on Earth

I tried on a Santa suit
The boots and the hat
Holiday treats
Are getting me fat
But I don't feel so jolly
And I'm really not sure
How can anyone be jolly with our country at war?

I hung up a Christmas wreath
Decorated the tree
I filled all the stockings
For you and for me
But the sadness I feel
Hangs over my soul
When will this world get things under control?

I wrapped every present
In glitter and bows
The smell of the turkey
Encircled my nose
But my thoughts turn to you
And I take no delight
That to have peace on earth
A soldier must fight

A soldier must fight
Some soldiers must die
My thoughts turn to One
Some would crucify
A tiny little Soldier
A babe who was born
To bring forth that peace
By sounding the horn
The horn of salvation
The trumpet of peace
Someday all this fighting
And killing will cease

I'm thankful for you soldier
Your sacrifice is great
Mortars and bombs
Sit on your festive plate
While I'm here at home
Stepping in the fresh snow
Your steps must be careful
Not knowing what's below
My Christmas will be merry
Thanks to soldiers like you
In the corner of your eye
You hold us in view
You are the target
Standing in my place
Fighting for my freedom
Looking on my face
In the warmth of my bedside
I will keep you in prayer
My Christmas is here
Because you're fighting there...

Merry Christmas To All Our Armed Forces