Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Daily Sunshine

Daily Sunshine

Not every day brings sunshine, for
some will bring gloom,
Replacing all the joy that had once
filled the same room.
Changing the good times into bad
times for those within,
Then not at all a pleasant day such
as yesterday had been.

This gloom fills the rooms of both
the wealthy and poor,
As days continue to come, there is
likely to be many more.
Some clear out quickly while others
just linger on,
Staying around long enough to test 
one's faith before it's gone.

Now there could be some growth in 
faith during troubled days,
As God is called on and kept around
for longer stays.
However this faith could weaken as
He receives the blame,
Giving the relationship with Him, an
ugly stain.

The praises to God flow easily when
all is going well,
Then in tough times they seem to go
through a dry spell.
Fact is, God was there both times for
He loves us even when we fail,
Enough love to send His Only Son to
keep us from the fires of hell.