Monday, May 13, 2019



L iving in the Moment…
I s a time to be content through enjoyment.
V acancy is an empty feeling of discontentment.
I t’s not only finding joy for ourselves in the moment.
N ever despair.
G od answers our prayers.

I t’s reaching out to others in the moment…
N o man is an island to himself, but can be content.

T hinking if only I can be of service to someone else…
H elping the widows, orphans, the poor and the fatherless.
E lse where can we find our joy but by being selfless.

M ore than a feeling in the moment…
O ver time there can be blessings in contentment.
M oving on one step at a time bringing in the lost.
E ternally grateful to the Lord of Host.
N ever looking back to what it could have been for each of us.
T ime for Living In The Moment in this life with Jesus.