Tuesday, April 16, 2019

God Raised Him Up

God Raised Him Up

Jesus died upon the cross
And was placed in a darkened tomb
But from that dark, there came a spark
That would all darkness doom

For Jesus was the Son of God
He died on the cross for sin
He endured death’s strife, He reentered life
Yes the dead Christ rose again

He did not break the prison bars
No He did not struggle free
Here the deceased was sweetly released
By heaven’s most lawful decree

Christ’s Resurrection is the proof
That the cross is our relief
It exposes lies, and it justifies
For it leads us to belief

Today the gospel is confirmed
Unbelief is sheer conceit
For the debt was paid, the way was made
“He is risen” is our receipt.

For the Son said “It is finished”
Then the Father said “Amen”
Christ drank the cup, God raised Him up
Victorious over sin.