Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Struggle To Find The Purpose Of Life

The Struggle To Find The Purpose Of Life

Struggling in the desert of life wondering why
the way was so barren and my throat was so dry.
The bright sun was beating down with heat so intense
and I was wondering why my life made no sense.

Stuck in the wasteland and trapped in that lonely place
I felt lost and alone there in the human race
'What is my poor life all about? ' I said to myself,
'Is it just having sex or gathering great wealth? '

I was wrestling with guilt and needed to repent
for these questions came from a man deep in torment.
My soul thirsting for forgiveness cried out in pain
'It's me Lord and I've come to Your cross once again.'

As I looked up to Jesus with tears on my face 
'Lord, save me, ' I cried kneeling at that holy place.
Then into my wilderness the Lord Jesus came
and He washed me and cleansed me from my guilt and shame

Jesus had reached down to this man deep in the mire
and lifted him up out of that scorching Hell fire.
This poor man had cried and the Lord heard his voice
and gave his life purpose, causing him to rejoice.