Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I am A Work in Progress

I am A Work in Progress

I am a work in progress,
you probably are one too
each day Jesus is working
something new inside of you.

His grace is forming us to be,
His warriors and His saints
He is shaping us to live
with principles and restraints.

He is clearing out the trash,
removing the worlds debris
when He is done with that
we'll be one of His draftees.

He is molding our hearts,
to live sober and clean
so the likeness of Him
in our souls we can glean.

He knows all the lumps,
that need to be re-formed
He is shaping us daily
so in Him we'll be transformed.

We have unlimited potential,
He'll never be finished with us
but you and I must believe
that His polishing is always just.

I am a work in progress,
you probably too ~ are one 
every day He is shaping us
into the image of His Son.
Philippians 1:6
King James Version 

"Being confident of this very thing, 
that he which hath begun a good work in 
you will perform it until the day of 
Jesus Christ:"