Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

The Bread of Life, the Door, the Way, 
The Living Water too; 
The Lord and Master we obey, 
The Faithful and the True. 

The First, the Last, the Lion, the Lamb, 
The Beginning and the End; 
Mighty to save, the Great I Am, 
The Light, the sinner’s friend. 

Son of God and Son of Man, 
Son of David too; 
The promised seed of Abraham, 
The Prince of Peace, the Truth. 

The Lily of the Valley, 
Lord of Lord and King of kings; 
The altogether lovely, 
Man of Sorrows and Day Spring. 

Rose of Sharon, Mediator, 
Mighty God, the Counselor; 
The Alpha and Omega, 
And Zion’s Deliverer. 

Beloved, Shiloh, Wonderful, 
The Good, the Great Shepherd; 
Messiah, Christ, Emmanuel, 
And God’s eternal Word. 

The image of the Father, 
The Bridegroom, the Church’s Head; 
The Holy Child, the Morning Star, 
The Judge of quick and dead. 

The Branch, the Vine, the Anchor, 
Our prophet, priest and King;
The Advocate, Creator,
The maker of all things. 

The Author of Salvation, 
The Sun of Righteousness; 
The Cornerstone, the one foundation, 
Jesus of Nazareth.