Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Paradise Path

The Paradise Path

There being two paths to follow on life's road,
Only one can be chosen to support our load.
Each going its own way, to take us to it's end,
Of the path chosen we will soon comprehend.

One is a paradise path, there's where it leads,
On it we find spiritual help to meet our needs.
Provided by Jesus through the blood He shed,
Taking us to Him as we leave our death bed.

The other is a path to punishment of extreme,
What scripture describes as a horrible scene.
Into a flaming pit where all of eternity is spent,
This path taken by those who failed to repent.

One's available through Jesus, a path He made,
The other controlled by Satan for souls to trade.
In choosing, I ask you to heed this good advice,
Choose the path that leads to Jesus in paradise.