Monday, September 17, 2018

World Wide Web

World Wide Web

Seeing humanity’s waning and ebb,
Satan is eagerly casting a web;
Scheming, devising a devilish plot -
Double-U-Double-U-Double-U-Dot. . . . . 

Totally innocent, faultless design,
Some will believe it is wholly benign.
We should be wiser but sometimes we're not -
Double-U-Double-U-Double-U-Dot. . . . .

Boundless in knowledge and value for sure,
Much can be gained when intentions are pure;
Yet in his web we are finally caught -
Double-U-Double-U-Double-U-Dot. . . . .

Satan is crafty and ever so quick,
Patiently luring the curious click;
Watching our innocence coming to naught -
Double-U-Double-U-Double-U-Dot. . . . .

Trapped in his web of deception and greed,
Helpless, we feel like we'll never be freed;
Strong are the strands that his evil has wrought -
Double-U-Double-U-Double-U-Dot. . . . .

Heed now this warning and open your eyes,
Surfing his web of delusion and lies
Surely will alter perceptions and thought -
Double-U-Double-U-Double-U-Dot. . . . .

Wake from your slumber and virtual dreams,
Fully aware of the evil one’s schemes,
Flee now his evil the way you were taught -
Double-U-Double-U-Double-U-Dot. . . . .