Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Treasures from Heaven

Treasures from Heaven

I see across my lake of life,
Its stormy winds and waves of strife.
My sin brought shame to me alone.
What penance was there that could atone?

God so infinite, I grieved Him so.
Yet love was given, He did bestow,
The Son a gift, my treasure that could,
Cover my sin, His death, He would.

His blood when spilled, that righteous flow,
It paid my debt that I did owe.
Unworthy am I as one to be saved,
Eternally worthy, my debt He paid.

Gifts of “light”, new heart and love,
From Son, and Spirit - my heavenly dove.
The Father’s grace now covers my shame,
That pieced the heart of He who came.

These treasures given by hearts of love, 
I don’t deserve from Ones above.
Yet heaven the promise and glory to come,
By Father, Son and Spirit they’re from.