Wednesday, August 15, 2018

His List

His List

When I wake up in the morning,
before I get out of bed.
The plans I've made for the day,
start to plummet in my head.

Do this, do that, and this-that too,
the list goes on and on.
The plans I've made for the day,
begin with the crack of dawn.

Before I arise and get moving,
to do all that I have to do.
I reach for my Bible to see,
if He has any plans for me too.

As I read through the verses,
I shiver and my head starts shaking.
For all that I have to do,
has nothing to do, with His making.

I put my Bible down,
and throw the covers off the bed.
I give to Him all of my - this and that,
and He gives me His list instead!