Thursday, August 9, 2018

Tree of Life

 Tree of Life

Jesus is The Gift of God to me.
He has gone before into eternity. 
He is with me as He promised He would be.
He has given ears to hear and eyes to see.

He is my gift and I am His as well.
He’s ransomed me for heaven and from hell.
His Father bid Him go to take my place,
That I might know The LORD’s amazing grace.

His Father’s will is what He came to do.
He did it then He died for me and you.
Because He did He rose up from the grave.
And now the way is made for all He’d save.

He lived the life of GOD upon the earth.
He never sinned, He couldn’t from His birth.
His miracles bore witness of His love,
And that He was the God man from above.

O Mercy Seat O Lamb of GOD once slain.
O precious Blood poured forth to pay GOD’s claim. 
O man redeemed from sin and death and strife,
To eat the fruit upon The Tree of Life.