Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Old Valentine Card

The Old Valentine Card

I was invited to a friend's house
For a Valentine's Day feast.
Her husband had passed away.
She was lonely, to say the least.

We had a lovely, tasty dinner.
In the table's center, there sat
A very old pretty Valentine card
On top of a pretty lacy placemat.

I did not ask about the card,
But soon she wanted to share.
There was a story about that card
That rested on the table there.

"My husband was deployed overseas
The day after Valentine's Day.
He gave me this lovely Valentine,
And the next day, he went away."

"He told me just before he left,
'Keep this card in a safe place,
And remember it says I LOVE YOU,
Though you cannot see my face.'"

"I looked at this card everyday
And prayed for his safe return.
To see his loving face again
In my heart, this I did yearn."

"Every time he was deployed,
The story was just the same.
I held onto this Valentine card.
In prayer, I called his name."

"Finally he left the Navy.
Together we spent many years.
One day God took him to Heaven,
And sadly I shed many tears."

"One day I remembered the card,
And I took it from its place.
I said, 'Death can't take our love.
In Heaven, I'll see your face.'"

"Now I cherish this Valentine.
Do you think this is absurd?"
I answered, "Your love story
Is the sweetest I've ever heard!"