Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Nagging Question Answered

The Nagging Question Answered

Why is it that the wicked seem 
To prosper day by day? 
They have all that their hands could want, 
And float along the way. 

While many are the righteous who, 
God’s name would glorify; 
But find so many things in life,
Their hearts to horrify. 

This tempts the soul to often think, 
God, after all, at evil winks. 

The godless live their lives at ease, 
Beneath a cloudless sky. 
And often times they have no fear,
When it’s their time to die. 

Yet saints are constantly at war, 
And many troubles find; 
Their conscience always pricks their heart, 
And doubt deludes their mind. 

This tempts the saint to take a seat 
And learn his way at sinner’s feet. 

But rest oh fretful soul in God, 
And trust His plan for you. 
His blessing is upon your path, 
His eyes are on you too. 

The wicked only have His frown, 
Though feeling not the curse 
Which like the sword of Damocles 
Hangs over pride and purse. 

The little that a righteous hath 
More blessed than much which comes with wrath. 

The Lord possesses heaven and earth, 
And all shall one day be, 
The possession of His chosen saints 
For all eternity. 

But see the wicked’s final end, 
Which only time will tell. 
Their sinful ways and godless life
Will land them straight in hell. 

Your soul prepared to dwell in light 
Theirs to endure an endless night.